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edeXa Dapps

edeXa Dapps

(Decentralized applications)

edeXa Dapps

The edeXa Universe enables DApps to bring a huge significant solution to daily Business processes.

This new ecosystem represents the exploration from users to be able to find products they want to engage with and that address an easy way to obtain that key to their growth project.

The Universe ecosystem is giving the Build tools on a decentralized base to Build on a secure foundation. Below you will find some application and possible API’s examples:

Digital Twin

The EDX Digital Twin gives every object and every piece of information a unique digital identity. This allows proof of ownership and provenance to be displayed quickly and easily for evidentiary purposes.

Application examples:

  • Registration and lifetime of IoT sensors
  • Ownership of land and apartments
  • Ownership of luxury goods
  • Ownership of certificates and diplomas

Origin Data

With edeXa's blockchain solution, you can "hash" files and documents at any time to verify that they are originals. EDX - Origin Data can ensure and prove that the information has not been altered and that the document corresponds to the original.

Examples of use:

  • Proof of originality of graphics, images, videos, and texts.
  • Proof of inalterability of data for archiving systems
  • Integration with ERP and numerous IT systems

Logistic and Tracking Data

Sensor data (e.g., IoT) is used to make processes efficient in the field of machine-to-machine automation. The stored log data is immutable and therefore trustworthy so that subsequent processes can be automated. Stakeholders can be sure that the data has not been manipulated.

  • Application examples:
  • Tracking in logistics
  • Monitoring and automation of machines in the area of support and maintenance
  • Monitoring of cooling systems
  • Automatic monitoring of contract details and automatic processing of insurance claims

Secure Messages

EDX Secured Messages allow you to send messages to customers and business partners securely. The edeXa Business Blockchain guarantees real-time delivery and enables read receipts. Our high level of encryption ensures that only you and your communication partners can read what is sent. Examples of use:

  • Password transmission
  • Registered mail
  • Banks and trustees

Secure File Save

With Secured File Save, your documents are guaranteed to be safe and protected from changes and unwanted access. The data is stored encrypted in an off-chain, and the hash value is irrevocably and securely stored in the EDX Business Blockchain.

Examples of use:

  • Storage of large log files
  • Application for document management systems
  • Archiving of invoices


The EDX Vault offers you the highest level of security for file and document encryption. Even before the data is transferred, the information is locally encrypted end-to-end and can never be read by outsiders. You can be confident in the security of your confidential and important data.

Application examples:

  • Application for document management systems
  • Secure archiving of documents, files and contracts
  • Registered mail